This morning has therefore been a "sorting out the small jobs" kind of day. Firstly the kitchen got a good clean, and then the lounge a tidy -all whilst the last diamond from the embroidered table topper was completed. I then managed to piece them together, bag the front out and press - before slip stitching the opening closed. It definitely needs the central button (if you know what I mean!) but its not too bad for a first attempt! I am also aware that it needs a more relevant button - so will look out for a Christmas related one.
During the morning my Tesco online shopping arrived - along with a card congratulating me on my 100th shop and offering triple clubcard points for my next shop. That was then followed up by a phone call from Tesco's thanking me for the 100 shops - I know its a marketing ploy - but its a nice touch nevertheless.
As the sun began to come out to play, the next job was to finish the plum tree pruning "chop up" to get it all into the garden bin - so that it's ready to go out tomorrow. With my brother up with Mum and Dad, I have Maisie with me so it was nice to see them all out in the garden playing. Mind you - I am taking Daisy with me this afternoon - I am hoping that the little girls will enjoy playing with her (they have a much larger dog that they have left at home).
Next up - I squeezed half an hour in to start a jigsaw that Trisha bought herself and lent me - who says that I am sewing all the time then?
Lastly I had to get ready for my sewing day at Spindle Cottage tomorrow. I felt very disorganised last time so am hoping to give a better impression! Of course that also includes getting my lunch ready -I am planning on having SW Caesar Salad so needed to cook some chicken thighs with bacon wrapped around.
Have fun with those little girlies :)