After a nice mug of coffee, and a catch up with friends, I then came home (for around an hour or so) before heading back out again. This time I was taking Maisie back to Mum's - but we had arranged to meet up for lunch a the local garden centre. Several hours later, plus three trollies full (well, there were vouchers you understand) it was time to come home - and write this blog - do you see what I mean?
Ahead of me this evening is a date with a hoover (well, you should see the black hair that Maisie drops everywhere) and a good tidy up of the craft room plus some washing. It's been a good day but, as I said, one that seems to have achieved very little. In fact, ironically, I met two former students who work at the garden centre and who were working much harder than me - now that's a definition of
We all need a day to recharge our batteries!