The hall looked resplendent - with all of the fabric bolts set out - and ladies (yes I didn't see any men) jostling to see what's available and then waiting patiently in line with an average of 5 bolts in their arms waiting to be cut. Me? Well, I bought a reel of cotton - and the three scrap bags!
Meanwhile, who should I see - but Pat and Terry! Of course we had to catch up over a cuppa and Terry had to show me her wares - gentling checking that I was feeling okay after not buying anything. As I left, feeling very virtuous, she did then remind me about a class that we are both taking so she did get me some batiks for it - but still, I did well to avoid the temptation - surely?
Back home, and a lunch of homemade soup, it was down to some church admin before a, erm, power nap. I must admit to feeling very cold - probably because I am so tired and hopefully not coming down with anything. Tonight I am off out again for my monthly volunteering at the theatre - ironically, selling ice cream.
Dose yourself up just in case, lots of hot fluids too