Thursday 21 September 2017

Non scale victories

Today was a scheduled day out at Meadowhall - meeting up with Julia and Trisha.  Days like this mean that, not only do we have a chance for a good catch up , but  also have the opportunity to visit "the bright lights" and get tempted along the way!

Having lost nearly 4 stone, so far, I am feeling the cold a little more -and so decided to buy a couple of jumpers.  As ever, I went into Evans and bought a nice Jade green v neck and a stylish black jumper with embroidery on.  However, as I popped into M & S to meet up with the girls, I passed a fetching blouse - in a size lower than I would wear - dare I?  Well, 10 minutes later I had bought the blouse, and another jumper - trying them on at home they both fit - what a result!!  I guess that's what you call a Non Scale victory then!

Julia was kind enough to buy us both a bunch of flowers, whilst Trisha told us all about her travels to New Zealand - and gave me this lovely stash of New Zealand fabric - mmmmmmmmmmm!  That's what I call good friends!  She has also lent me a jigsaw - one based on a quilt shop - I will post a photo when its done - but it's lush!  I think that Trisha is in danger of becoming quite addicted to this fabric thing!

Lunch was at House Of Fraser - never fear, I had taken mine with me - and then proceeded to drop it all over the floor - let's just say that I am looking forward to tea tonight! Then it was time to meander back to M &S to do some food shopping before coming home -well, you have to treat yourself now and then don't you?  They had a good "Dine in for 2" offer and I picked up some steak, veg and fruit salad (all of which I wanted anyway) along with wine (well, it's not just any sewing retreat .........)

The only fly in today's ointment is that my back has gone and I have a pain down my leg - making walking difficult.  In fact I have dusted down the walking stick - which seems to help.  I have to go to a church meeting tonight - but I suspect that a hot water bottle may just come with me!  Given that I have a mountain of jobs to do in the garden tomorrow, I am hoping that this rights itself tonight!


  1. Boo hoo to the back!! Any good rubbing something in to ease the pain...or try something frozen for a while to reduce any internal swelling.

    1. the heat from the hot water bottle is helping - I am , at last now walking a little easier!

  2. Probably caused by touching your toes yesterday!
    And crawling on floors looking for needles!
