Well, today was decision day - were Mum and Dad going to buy the summerhouse or not? I had checked with local planning regs (2.5m high limit if within 2 m of the boundary, otherwise a 4m height limit), Dad had measured and marked out the floorplan on the patio and a decision was made - we would go to the garden centre and have another look. We looked, measured again, talked to the man in charge and........ then...... went off for a cuppa and a final discussion! Well, as the advert says, this isn't just any old summerhouse ............
Actually, this is a fine summerhouse - they have decided to call it a lodge (although that makes it sound far grander than it is!) The walls are nearly 5cm thick and the windows are double glazed - so it should be really warm inside. I don't know if you can make it out from the photo but the thick walls slot together like a massive jigsaw. The summerhouse has now been purchased and should be delivered and erected within the next 3 -5 weeks!!

Back home, and enjoying the much wanted summery day, it was off up to the beach with the dogs before settling down in my summerhouse and the removal of (yet more) tape from the windows- watched and assisted by Daisy of course. I have certainly learnt my lesson. When I paint the outside (hopefully later this week) that tape will be removed immediately! During the session, Sewingbuddy phoned me with payment details for another sewing retreat that she is organising next March. Cue an online payment - what would we do without this facility?
I would like to say that this evening will be spent doing some sewing - since I haven't done any today so far - but I got a new phone yesterday and so will spend tonight trying to get it sorted,transferring contact details etc. I am keeping the same phone number - that always makes life a little easier!
How exciting... a Lodge!!