The quilts, themselves, were fabulous and all of the participants should be congratulated. The actual show takes place on the showground and the buildings have been upgraded since my last visit. Even having a cuppa is a real treat with this view!
I didn't have much on my list, and so my shopping bags were relativity few, but I did want to talk to a couple of sewing machine brands re my planned upgrade - a show is a good opportunity to compare and contrast - as well as trying some out. I spoke to both Janome and Brother and quickly decided that my new machine should be an embroidery one - but which one? With prices going up to (and in the case of other brands beyond) £6500 it soon became clear that price could be a limiting factor. After talking to both companies - and then checking out prices on the internet - it soon became clear that Janome were making me an offer that I just couldn't refuse - "show deals", free software and, after a cheeky comment from Wendy, a free hoop to complement the set given. So, errr, the new machine comes on Thursday!! I know I said that I would wait until Christmas - and, trust me, Mum tried to persuade me to walk away - but, well, you know how impatient I am!! That being said, my next task is to try and re-organise the sewing room to make room for the beast! I am going through my stash and my kind friends at Scamblesby took some of my offloads for a small exchange of cash - the coffers are starting to fill up again!
So, onto today, where sewing was the order of the day. With two Christmas presents sorted, it was onto Anderson's Farm and, at last, the putting together of blocks. Oops that would have been - until I actually found another incomplete block (missing clouds) -when will this ever end?
I just knew you would get it! Happy experimenting!