Today started with a trip to the train station to take a friend and her husband, followed by a visit to Tesco's (I couldn't find any tumble dryer sheets in Morrison's on Wednesday) and then a visit to Mum and Dad's to drop off some items that they had left in my car (phone charger and saw - don't ask). As we enjoyed a cuppa, we chewed the cud about possible kitchen refit and the purchase of a summerhouse / he cave / garden room - take your pick. Of course we had to go outside and measure up but we are hoping to do a deal next week. Dad did say that buying something like the summerhouse is a sign of actually putting down roots - so that's a good sign that he has settled in. Talking to them, they have also made a number of new friends through the church - Mum went to a coffee morning for ladies yesterday (Dad is having a day out with my brother tomorrow at football) and they are hosting a regular bible study group - so the signs are very positive. They are even having people around for lunch on Sunday!
Once home, and a lunch that I had seen pop up on facebook involving holes in bread and mozzarella cheese (only a sw prescribed amount of course), it was off out again with the dogs before settling down to the final tidying and sorting of the craft room. It actually looks quite organised now!!! Mind you -I am not sure how long that will last!
The final task of the day , before I collapse onto the sofa and some hand sewing, is to make some mini Victoria sandwich cakes. We are having a tea party for one of the WI members tomorrow who is 90 years old and have all been asked to take something with us. I will also check out the banana situation - perhaps there's enough for a banana cake - get me!
No embroidery machine today you exclaim - well, there just hasn't been time!
what no video of you all doing the dance??