My morning, therefore, was one of cake making (mini banana cakes and individual Victoria sandwiches) plus the usual housework before packing everything up and decamping to the church hall to help set up for her 2pm arrival. The hall was quickly set up- many hands make light work after all - and Beryl seemed delighted with her party. There certainly was more than enough food to go around - everyone came home with a doggy bag or two! In the interests of dieting honesty - I should add that, although I did have one of my mini cakes before I left home (well, it wouldn't fit in the tin) I didn't partake of the afternoon tea - just had a cup of coffee! To be fair, if I had started then I might still be there now!
Tonight is more low key - well, as low key as the start of Strictly Come Dancing can get!!!! I am planning to camp out on the sofa, enjoy some hand sewing and watch as the celebs get partnered up with their professionals - bring on the winter tv schedule!!
What restraint! Well done!