Wednesday 21 December 2016

So - what were you doing at 10:44 this morning?

Truthfully I was driving down the A377 and trying to avoid an empty bucket in the road but more of that later.  It would appear that the winter solstice started at 10:44 this morning and that we can now expect the days to start drawing out - albeit slowly!  I don't know about you but the seasons seem to merge into one but I could do with some sunny cold days rather than the dank murky ones!

Today we decided to pop in Exeter rather than Tavistock (going there tomorrow - lovely fabric shop)! I expected it to be manic with everywhere filled with screaming children ( of which there were a few!) but it was reasonably empty.  After coffee, a browse around the shops, lunch in. M & S ( magic and sparkles as I heard it called this morning) and a little shopping it was time to come home.  Not a widely exciting day but very enjoyable none the less!

Craftwise, of course, there wasn't much time to downy thing before we left but I have nearly finished the Lynette Anderson block ( the grass and clouds will be added once I get home and I just have some cross stitches to add). It's nice to be able to get this one out of the way! So tonight's project will be embroidering a quote onto my artisan apron - "turn to the sun and the shadows fall behind you".


  1. Lovely piece of work :) At 10.44 I think we were walking with you do!
