Monday 22 May 2017

Well - it had to happen sometime!

Today started well - it is a Monday so its the Textile group.  We were trying to free machine over a traced drawing of some cartoon like sheep.  I thought that some people may feel more confident following a pattern but, sadly, the session finished with at least one person still trying to master the skill.  Once the stitching had been completed then the features had to be coloured in with a fabric pen - this was my opportunity to go over any missed stitches and make the final product more acceptable!  It now needs some bead work, some sequins and a decision about what to make with it!

Home, and the baking of some SW goodies for tomorrow, it was then off out for our SW weigh in.  Truthfully I was expecting a gain as I had enjoyed my workshop cakes just a tad too much - but the 1/2 lb on was okay - I knew where it had come from and had clearly been okay for the rest of he week to keep the gain to  a minimum!  Apart from an ice cream tonight at the theatre, everything is now back on track and ready for next week!

The theatre I hear you say? Cultured - I know!  Well, its the local am-dram production of Jesus Christ Superstar so at least I can sing along!


  1. This looks a cute project Lynda! Hope you are keeping well! Christine x
