Friday 12 August 2016

Onto the next stage of my holiday

This will be a short blog - today we set off after breakfast for the long trek north.  Trisha was wanting to monitor the progress of her kitchen and talk to the project manager, Julia was keen to get back and babysit her new granddaughter - and I was dropped off at yet another Premier Inn. This time the venue was Tamworth - which just happens to be around 20 mins away from tomorrow rrow's Festival of Quilts!

This afternoon was spent getting ready for the event - it's a military operation you know!  Wendy was, at home, sorting the express parking for the event ( and making me a pack up!) whilst Carine was getting ready fo her long drive down by taking the children to Flamingo Island!

This evening I will try to get some sewing done and catch up with more soaps!  However I am uber excited about tomorrow and may not get back in time to do a blog.  Trust me - you look hear all about it on Sunday!


  1. Have a good time tomorrow, wish I was going!
    So think of poor cinders at home, whilst your rummaging all the lovely fabric and sewing stalls.

  2. We shall wait with bated breath :)
